Montag, 21. Mai 2018

Starfleet Academy branch Chelmza

 Starfleet Academy's T.I.M.E. portal

Starfleet Academy San Francisco, branch Chelmza
Starfleet Academy's T.I.M.E. gate towards branch Chelmza

time goes on ... insignia changes ... discover the undiscovered ...
via T.I.M.E. gate towards "New Risa" at lakeland planet CuSee...

a fusion of worlds...: 
Culmsee who isTrekkie and Whovian meets Culmsees
all over planet Earth
at unification in best of both worlds
of a Star Trek dream,
this not only sounds like fun 
– it is in make it so...

the original scenery on planet Earth – source of facsimile

introduced by Axel Culmsee

© Photographies 
starship (vessels) and orbital station photos
(models self assembled last millennium)
as well as TIME™ title and planet (moon), too
Produced & Copyright by Axel Culmsee

© Photographies incl. Lunar Photography Produced & Copyright 
incl. photo editing assembly design 
compiled from segmentation NCC-1701-D 
via Photoshop by Axel CulmseeGermany

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