Samstag, 29. Dezember 2018

Adobe Stock Axel Culmsee

Adobe Stock Axel Culmsee
Axel Culmsee's
photos via Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock: Photos by Axel Culmsee: 
formerly "Fotolia":

Samthortensie / rough-leaved hydrangea, Hydrangea aspera \
red Rose

and visit, too, the added (2nd) Adobe Stock:

Blow Fly (Schmeißfliege) [lat. Calliphoridae] \

© Photographies Produced & Copyright by Axel Culmsee, Germany
Courtesy of 

Freitag, 28. Dezember 2018

ancient shuttles runway New Risa

shuttle runway NewRisa
shuttle runway NewRisa

runway for ancient shuttles at NewRisa
airPorsche modifications
a crossover towards Star Trek world of New Risa

 ancient shuttles‘ runway NewRisa [PPvideo.mp4] 

© Photographies incl. Photo Editing
compiled from segmentation parts of »Porsche Panamera« 
Produced | Copyright by Axel Culmsee, Germany
Courtesy of

Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 2018

Porsche goes airPorsche

airPorsche approach path TurboFlightJumper modifications
airPorsche approach path TurboFlightJumper modifications
flight mission

© Photographies incl. Photo Editing
compiled from segmentation parts of »Porsche Panamera« 
Produced | Copyright by Axel Culmsee, Germany
Courtesy of

Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2018

Porsche Fandom-Meeting 100 years later…

Porsche fandom tuned meeting 2118
 Fandom Tuned Meeting 2118

Porsche fandom tuned meeting 2118
Porsche fandom tuned meeting 2118 „Return to the Future“ (© by Axel Culmsee)

...just having returned from future ...while a century later will take place a fandom-meeting of vessels of these days, having already introduced forthcoming amphiJetDrive... then a STPD (StromRaiderPowerDrive) will fly in like DeLorean's touch down introduced in 1985, well, engage... and have fun! ...

...parking area usually in filled during these fandom-meetings

© Photographies incl. Photo Editing
compiled from segmentation parts of »Porsche Panamera« 
Produced | Copyright by Axel Culmsee, Germany
Courtesy of

Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2018

Porsche SuperSonicDrive-Meeting

white Porsche SuperSonic Drive

Porsche SuperSonic Drive

Porsche SuperSonicDrive meeting at Celle's castle
Porsche SuperSonicDrive-Meeting at Celle's castle

© Photographies incl. Photo Editing
compiled from segmentation parts of »Porsche Panamera«
Produced | Copyright by Axel Culmsee, Germany
Courtesy of

Freitag, 21. Dezember 2018

Chrome Theme for Google’s browser

individualized Chrome browser by Axel Culmsee
individualized Chrome browser by Axel Culmsee
your Google Chrome web browser the way YOU like it!!

it can be absolutely individualized / personalized,
each colour per area / button / text or seperate images to upload...
arranging YOUR own browser window outfit

you'll like it!

and you won't need knowing of background construction via html nor javascript, it's all done 

just test the buttons below preview there, 

then download and/or install...

here are my first uploads for public use :-)

 Axel Culmsee's themes at 

if you might need another scale, just let me know - and I'll "make it so" ;-)

themes shown above are made for 1920 x 1080

 Voyager towards Moon: 

 Rose visited by fly: 

 Accipiter crossing Star Trek universe, 
 starship U.S.S. ACCIPITER NCC-NCC-82018, SpeedScout class, being TurbojetWarp drive from PiscisVolans shipyard: 

Chelmza Chrome Themes
 Chelmza (Poland): Chrome Themes

© Photographies Copyright by Axel Culmsee, Germany
Courtesy of 

Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2018

LuLu astonished...

otherwise they did not had been here...
…when LuLu recently had been in the garden,
she seems to wonder:
where suddenly came from this queerish plant?
and Master scurrying around…
LuLu astonished
where do you come from?
…als LuLu neulich im Garten war, schien sie sich zu wundern:
so ’ne komische Pflanze war da plötzlich ganz neu
wie aus dem Boden gewachsen…
und Herrchen wuselte drumherum…

© Photography Copyright by Axel Culmsee, Germany
Courtesy of 

Montag, 17. Dezember 2018

collectors Pin (big) DISCOVERY NCC-1031


DISCOVERY - fascinating storyline with interesting crossover TOS | TNG and more incl. surprises DSC will go its own new way in the future of our today and there's no doubt in comparing 1966ies and later that in many facts they have come to effable reality and not only SciFi in regarding details 50 years ago of many kinds in episodes had been out of custom but nowadys had turned usual and should elate Gene's visions out of history's dust of old days' shaking the head ... but future only - the undiscovered country - will be wiser than in going mankind's way of actually not breaking new ground...

NCC-1031: diameter 4,8 cm | crosswise 6 cm